Quantum Computing

We come up with new ways to think about superconducting quantum circuits. We are studying ways to make quantum memories, perform error correction, and topologically protected qubits.

Hybrid Quantum Systems

Using superconducting circuits as a backbone we study hybrid quantum systems, linking diverse microscopic degrees of freedom together. We trap electrons floating on liquid helium above superconducting cavities. We study waves of superfluid helium in microchannels. In addition we collaborate with the Cleland and Awschalom groups to study spin physics and nanomechanics in solids.

Join our lab

We are always looking for motivated and curious people at all levels. If you are interested in joining us as a postdoc, grad student, or undergraduate researcher email your CV and a brief note to dschus@stanford.edu.

Quantum Sciences

There are many other outstanding quantum sciences groups at Stanford, check them out at qfarm.stanford.edu.